Paleomagnetism and Marine geology


MSCL-XCT - Installation december 1st 2011

Tuesday 10 January 2012

MSCL-XCT Installation - December 1st 2011

The laboratory have now a new radiography / tomography instrument for the geological cores. The company Geotek have installed the MSCL-XCT to the lab. This new instrument is able to do 3D images 3D of the relative density anr an image close to the conventional X-Ray imaging.

You can see some examples of what this instrument can do on this website.

University of Quebec at Rimouski

Research laboratory in

paleomagnetism and marine geology

Mailing address

310 Allée des Ursulines, C.P. 3300

Rimouski (Québec) G5L 3A1


Telephone & email

Ph: +1 (418) 724-1650 poste 1741

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