Paleomagnetism and Marine geology


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Director (People)

Guillaume St-Onge Guillaume St-Onge is the Director and the founder of ISMER’s Sedimentary Paleomagnetism Laboratory. His research projects involve high frequency geomagnetic field dynamics during the Quaternary, Eastern and Arctic Canada stratigraphy, natural hazards and paleoclimatology. (...)

Laboratory assistants (People)

Quentin Beauvais Quentin Beauvais is the research associate in charge of the laboratory, the maintenance of the laboratory and fieldwork instruments. Quentin contributes to the planning of expeditions, the sampling of sediment cores and to the acquisition of geophysical data. In the (...)

Students (People)

Stagiaires postdoctoraux Complétés > Édouard Philippe. Paléomagnétisme dans l’Arctique. > Corina Campos. Paléomagnétisme et paléosismicité > Noela Sanchez. Géologie marine du parc marin "Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino > Costero Patagonia Austral" dans le golfe de San Jorge en Patagonie (...)

Main collaborators (People)

• André Rochon, ISMER-UQAR • Jean-Carlos Montero Serrano, ISMER-UQAR • Urs Neumeier, ISMER-UQAR • Daniel Bourgault, ISMER-UQAR • Pascal Bernatchez, Département de biologie, chimie et géographie, UQAR • Bernard Hétu, Département de biologie, chimie et géographie, UQAR • Pierre Francus, (...)

Partners (People)

Granting agencies Collaborating institutions

University of Quebec at Rimouski

Research laboratory in

paleomagnetism and marine geology

Mailing address

310 Allée des Ursulines, C.P. 3300

Rimouski (Québec) G5L 3A1


Telephone & email

Ph: +1 (418) 724-1650 poste 1741

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